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Dennis Balcombe, Pastor; Revival Christian Church, Hong Kong
The Sowers Ministry hat Ihre Schwerpunkte in der Ausbildung, Ausrüstung und Leitung von unheimischen Leitern vor allem in Ländern, in denen der Zugang und die Religionsfreiheit eingeschränkt ist. Hierzu zählen China, Nepal, Bhutan, Mongolei, Indien und Tibet. Sie  sind ferner bemüht, die Bergvölker in Thailand und Umgebung zu erreichen und unter ihnen Gemeinden zu gründen. The Sowers Ministry ware ein Werkzeug, um Tausende zum Hernn zu führen. Sie schulten Leiter in systematischer Art und Weise und unterstützten sie, um Gemeinden gemäß den Prinzipien des Neuen Testamentes zu errichten. Auch der Druck und die Verteilung von Literatur, sowie die Unterstützung von Mitarbeitern im Reich Gottes gehört zu ihren Aufgaben.Es war ein großer Segen, mit ihnen zusammen zu arbeiten. Wir beten für sie und unterstützen sie, weil wir an sie glauben. Dieser Dienst ist es wert, im Gebet und finanziell unterstützt zu werden.

David Wang, International Director; Asian Outreach, Hong Kong
Since its inception through to today, The Sowers Ministry has consistently demonstrated great diligence in its operations. It’s a Third World mission with relevancy and effectiveness in some of the most restricted and desperate situations in Asia. Asian Outreach is and has been privileged to be able to cooperate with The Sowers Ministry from time to time.

Henry and Jackie Wolmarans, Pastors;
Harvest for Christ, San Diego, CA, USA
Many people have come to know the Lord, been filled with the Holy Ghost and taken water baptism through your ministry. You have encouraged thousands to continue in the Lord and not give up under tremendous persecution. Your works of righteousness shall not go unrewarded. Your ministry is a ministry of integrity, that you truly have the Asian people at heart. We have decided to continue supporting The Sowers Ministry on a monthly basis, because we want to plant our seed into good ground. We recognize the anointing of God in your lives, and in your ministry, and we see the Spirit of God moving in things that you put your hand to.

Late John Osteen, Pastor; Lakewood Church, Houston, TX, USA
This letter is to certify that Guine, Neil and Sandy Anderson has been duty ordained by Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. Guine first attended our 1989 World Conference, and since then I have gotten to know him and have been favorably impressed by his vision, zeal for souls, and integrity. Guine began his ministry working among the headhunters in northeast India, and saw many come to Jesus as a result of signs and miracles confirming the Word. Since then he and his brothers have founded churches, provided support and training for native pastors, conducted crusades, provided help and encouragement to Gospel workers, including those who have been imprisoned for preaching Jesus to that needy continent. I recommend Guine without reservation as a minister of the Gospel, and as a selfless minister worthy of the prayers and financial support. I encourage you to become involved in this unique and effective ministry.

Todd M. Powers, Misssions Director; Jerry Savelle Ministries, TX, USA
You are admired for the dedication, and labor you have put into your ministry. You have made a difference in so many lives, that literally would have never had the opportunity to hear the gospel. You are taking situations that look impossible and speaking, and standing on the Word of God, knowing that all things are possible through Him. You have shown this type of faith, as you have been submissive, and relied wholly upon the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for your time and dedication over the years, you are truly appreciated.

Robert Karthak, Pastor; Ganeswore Church, Nepal
It gives me much pleasure reminding us all that the seeds of the Sowers Ministry were first implanted in Nepal. All the three Anderson brothers - Guine, Sandy and Neil were members of Gyaneshwor Church. The Sowers Ministry sprouted in the Nepali soil and grew up into a viable ministry whose work has tremendously helped the extension of God’s Kingdom in Nepal, and in other countries also. May God richly bless the Ministry and all those involved in it in sowing the seeds of the gospel throughout the world.

Willi Mayer, Pastor; Christus Zentrum Weinstadt, Germany
We believe that the contact to the Sowers Ministry is a special gift of God to help us to get involved in the work of God’s Kingdom in that part of the world. The Anderson brothers have a vision for the Himalayan countries, but even more - they have a very open heart to reach out and form partnerships and to network for the sake of the lost. We greatly appreciate and are impressed by their honest attitude offering friendship in Christ and supporting us to enter into God’s call for us and to allow us to join them, taking part in a ministry they’ve built up in many years. We look forward to working with them in the years to come.

Walter Heidenreich, Leader;
Freie Christliche Jugendgemeinschaft e.V., Germany
I met Sandy Anderson for the first in spring of 1992 in my office in Ludenscheid, Germany, where he visited our ministry. This first meeting was very important for me, as I received encouragement from Sandy for my vision to reach Mongolia with the Gospel. We started to evangelize Mongolia at a later date. After this encounter I have visited Sandy and Neil Anderson in Hong Kong. During my visit of Sowers Ministry I saw that the work shows integrity. I believe that many more people will find Jesus through their powerful and dynamic way of evangelism and ministry. They also play an important role in the church, because they have a strong anointing in motivating and encouraging Christians for evangelism and world mission.

Rev. W. Wassermann; Call of Hope, Stuttgart, Germany
The Anderson brothers have cooperated faithfully with Call of Hope reaching to Tibet and discovering Urdu-speaking Muslims in a local mosque there, where they delivered books and cassettes in Urdu and other languages. We ask the Lord to keep them in such a pioneering spirit, to reach out in the name of Jesus to places where the Gospel has never been read or heard.

Hans Martin Braun; Voice of the Martyrs, Germany
Right on from the beginning, we noticed that you care for the formerly forgotten Church: Christians in India , China , Tibet , Nepal , Thailand , Bhutan , Mongolia , Vietnam , Hong Kong , etc. are served through your ministry and we appreciate what you do for today’s task number one. A long time our organization was one of the very few ministries for the silent church all over the world. We appreciate that now the interest for the oppressed Christians is growing and we wish that the Lord may keep you in such condition, that you can continue the Sowers Ministry.

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